1. Launch Face Recognition on the device and tap gear icon
2. Enter Password
Password you should enter is 123456

3. Tap Login Management
4. Tap Login Cloud

5. Fill in Login Cloud details
- IP Address =
- Port = 10011
- Password = 123456
6. Tap OK
7. The system will automatically restart
Wait until the process done and connected to face recognition

8. Login to HRM Web and go to Setting menu

9. Go to Temperature Screening setting menu
10. Go to Attendance Device tab
11. Click Add Policy

12. Select deployed location and set the Temperature Threshold
Scanned person who has body temperature above the temperature threshold you set will be detected as not normal.
13. Click Generate

14. Complete the device details
- Set Title and Description according to the needs
- Fill in Device ID with the SN number shown in thermal device
15. Click Save

Temperature Screening successfully set up and it would be appeared in the Attendance Device Setting,
Afterward, wait for approximately 5 minutes until the system integrated to Temperature Screening Device.