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Add Time Off Data

1 min read

1. Go to Attendance menu

2. Go to Attendance Calendar tab

3. Select month and year

4. Click the date you want to create the data
5. Select employee

6. Select Location, set Event Type as “Time Off”, and set the Time Off Policy

7. Select Schedule Type and set date & time
There are 3 options of Schedule Type:

  1. Half Day
    Example :
    Assigned work pattern is 8 working hours + 1 lunch hour + 3 overtime hours.
    When you set Start Time as 8.00 AM and set Schedule Type as Half Day, the total hours will be 4 hours.
    So the system will automatically set the end time as 12.00 PM
  2. Full Day
    Example :
    Assigned work pattern is 8 working hours + 1 lunch hour + 3 overtime hours.
    When you set Start Time as 8.00 AM and set Schedule Type as Full Day, the total hours will be 9 hours.
    So the system will automatically set the end time as 5.00 PM
  3. Full Day+OT
    Example :
    Assigned work pattern is 8 working hours + 1 lunch hour + 3 overtime hours.
    When you set Start Time as 8.00 AM and set Schedule Type as Full Day+OT, the total hours will be 12 hours.
    So the system will automatically set the end time as 8.00 PM

For Schedule Type Half Day, Full Day, and Full Day+OT, “End Date” means the end of date range you want to create data.
Example : Schedule Type is Full Day, Start Date 1 Sept 2020, End Date 4 Sept 2020.
It means you want to create the same data both for date 1, 2, 3, and 4 Sept 2020.

8. Click Save

Afterward, Attendance label will appear in Attendance Calendar based on data you created.