This feature will allow you the attendance in specific Public Holiday to a specific Leave Policy automatically with the following steps.
1. Select Settings
2. Select Attendance
3. Select Public Holiday
4. Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the Public Holiday based on your requirement

5. Click on ‘Auto Convert to Leave’
6. Select the Annual Leave that you would like to set for the conversion
If selected leave policy in PH setting not assigned to the employee, attendance on PH day will not converted (e.g. set New Year PH to auto convert to Annual Leave, it means all of the employee that have attendance on New Year PH date and assigned to Annual Leave will be converted. Hence the attendance on PH date will be removed and Annual Leave balance will be added 1 day.

7. Click Save Changes
The converted attendance to leave balance from Auto Convert will appear in employee profile leave history with description “Adjust from Convert Attendance”. Yet, if the attendance record is added after the Public Holiday, the attendance on PH will not automatically converted.