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How to Cancel Approved Leave

< 1 min read

This Approved Leave Cancellation would be able to performed by the Manager.  #

1. Go to My Profile  #

2. Click Approval Tab #



3. Tick the Approved Leave you want to cancel #

4. Click “Cancel” button #


5. Click “Cancel Approved Leave” #

You can re-check on the approved leave request for the review, and click “Cancel Approved Leave” #

6. Approved Leave is cancelled #

There will be a pop-up notice:  Success – Approved request have been canceled! #

Note! This action will result on several things: #

1) Remove Leave label in Attendance Calendar #

2) Employee’s leave balance is not deducted as the cancelled amount #

3) The request status in employee and manager side will be updated as “Canceled” #

Additionally, you can check the cancelled approved leave list anytime by clicking Notification icon here: #