1. Go to Payment Menu
Before submitting the IR8A submission, please ensure that you already generated all payslip in the selected year is already generated.
2. Select on IR8A
3. Click on Generate New IR8A

After that you will be redirected to the steps that must be taken to generate the IR8A file as follows :
1. Field Mapping
In this step you will mapping the payslip item (allowance or deduction) from HRMLabs to IRAS, for further reference you can check in this link

2. Employer Information
In this step, please ensure that you have selected the correct Income Year and has fill in the Organization Type that match with Organization ID Number.

3. Generate Details
In this step, you will see the preview of the details of the employee data. In this step if there’s any incorrect data, it will be marked with red in the cell and you can update the incorrect data by double on the marked data directly.

After all generated details is correct, click on Save and Continue. You will be redirected to the Validation step.

4. Validation
In this step you will given a preview to check if there’s is any incorrect data, if there’s no incorrect data, click on “Submit to IRAS”

After that, the pop up of submission process will appeared, to finalize the submission please follow the instruction in the pop up window.

Once the IR8A has been submitted, you will be redirected to the Submission History and the record of submission will be appeared as well