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Check Time Off Balance in My Profile

< 1 min read

1. Go to My Profile menu

2. Go to Time Off tab
There are some information in Time Off tab.

a. Upcoming Time Off table
This table contains taken Time Off for upcoming date
For example :
current date is 17 April 2020, then the taken time off for 20 and 23 April 2020 will appear in Upcoming Time Off table.

b. Time Off Balance table
This table contains the information about the details of assigned Time Off such as current balance, total time off taken, and total upcoming time off.

c. Time Off Request table
This table contains the time off request history.

The Pending, Cancelled, Approved, and Rejected time off will shown in different status label and this automatically updated based on the leave applicant or Manager’s action.

d. History table
This table contains the history of the action that affects time off balance, such as take time off from time off request or from create time off label in Attendance Calendar, and adjust the balance from Time Off settings.