Threshold is a grace period or tolerance time for early or lateness attendance.
For work pattern with schedule, you can set check in and check out threshold. Meanwhile for work pattern without schedule, the threshold that will only affect to the attendance is only check out threshold.

To set threshold, you can follow the steps below :
1. Go to Settings menu
2. Go to Attendance Threshold
3. Go to Employee tab
4. Click Set Threshold

5. Select employee you want to set the threshold time
6. Set Threshold Value
7. Click Generate

8. Set the threshold value details
- Check In Before
example = schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check In Before as 10 minutes
Check In attendance at 07.50 until 07.59 will be considered as 08.00 - Check In After
Example = Schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check In After as 10 minutes
Check In attendance at 08.01 until 08.10 will be considered as 08.00 - Check Out Before
- Example 1 = Schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check Out Before as 10 minutes
Check Out attendance at 19.50 until 19.59 will be considered as 20.00 - Example 2 = Work pattern 12 hours then Check In at 08.00, set Check Out Before as 10 minutes
Check Out attendance at 19.50 until 19.59 will be considered as 20.00
- Example 1 = Schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check Out Before as 10 minutes
- Check Out After
- Example 1 = Schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check Out After as 10 minutes
Check Out attendance at 20.01 until 20.10 will be considered as 20.00 - Example 2 = Work pattern 12 hours then Check In at 08.00, set Check Out After as 10 minutes
Check Out attendance at 20.01 until 20.10 will be considered as 20.00
- Example 1 = Schedule 8.00 – 20.00, set Check Out After as 10 minutes
- Cut Off (hours)
means the maximum tolerance time of lateness in Check Out attendance.
Example = Work pattern is 12 hours then set the Cut Off as 0.5 hour
Any attendance more than 12.5 hours will be considered as attendance 12.5 hours
9. Click Save

If the threshold setting successfully created, it will appear in Attendance Threshold settings.