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Add Employee Data

< 1 min read

1. Go to Employee List menu

2. Click Add Employee in Active tab

3. Fulfill the form in Basic Information step
You can complete the data later but to go to the next step, you have to fulfill the mandatory field below:

  • Identification Type and Identification Number
  • Type of Pass
  • Date of Birth
  • Race

4. Click Continue to the next step

5. Fulfill the form in Job Information step

You can complete the data later but to go to the next step, you have to fulfill the mandatory field below:

  • Hiring Date
  • Salary
  • Payment Formula (for payment rate), Employee Type, and Attendance Settings (for work pattern)
  • Payment Mode
    if you choose GIRO payment mode, you need to fill in Bank Name, Bank Account Name, and Bank Account Number

6. Click Continue to the next step

7. Click Submit
Before submit, you can review the summary of employee data that you filled in in this step.

If you successfully created, the employee data will appear in Employee List menu under the Active tab.