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How to Record Visitor’s Checkin /Checkout Activity using Temperature Screening Device

2 min read

1. Scan the QR Code to Open the website #

The visitor needs to scan the QR Code using their phone to open the website before using temperature screening device

2. Tap the Enter button on the Visitor on the website #

Once you’ve scanned the QR code, you will be redirected to the website link.

3. Enter your last 4 digits of Identification Number #

Enter your last 4 digits of identification number

4. Tap Confirm Identity #

5. Fill in the Name and Record your face by tapping Browse field #

In this step, you need to fill in your Fullname first, then Upload your photo into the system.

If you open this website using your mobile phone, you need to take your live photo record after tapping the Browse field, but

if you open this website using your computer or laptop, you can upload your photo file instead of taking the live photo.

6. Tap Submit button on HRMLabs Website #

Tap the Submit button once your face has been recorded in the HRMLabs website.

Once this is done, you can do the checkin/checkout activity using the temperature screening device

7. Fill in the Phone Number and Purpose field on the Website #

8. Tap Proceeds button #

After tapping Proceeds button, the Proceeds button name will changed into “Please scan your face…” which indicate you need to record your face in Temperature Screening device immediately, the button will look like this:

9. Place your face in the person area in Temperature Screening device #

Align your face in the person area in front of the Temperature Screening device. The device will record your visit data automatically.

If your checkin/checkout is successful, will appear Success notification like this:

8. Tap Submit button on Website #

If your checkin/checkout is successful, your photo will appear in the Website system. Afterward, you need to tapping the Submit button to save your data in HRMLabs system.