Must-have Features on HR Software

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No matter what industry you are working for, HR software is an important aspect that your company should have. HR software manages a very crucial function in a company: human resources.

With traditional HR practice, HR staff cannot achieve great human resource management. You might be asking how to achieve great human resource management without overstaffing your HR department. The answer is quite simple, you just need to invest in good HR software.

There is a lot of HR management software with different features. But, what features every HR software must have? Here is some of the answer.


With industry revolution 4.0, nowadays everything is stored in a cloud. HR software is also making changes to store its database in a cloud. Using the cloud will always be accessible to HR staff and employees.

HR software with cloud-based allows HR staff to create, manage and maintain a centralized database that could be accessed at any time and anywhere. This will help any industry to perform a more efficient and faster HR operation.

Attendance and Leave Management

Managing attendance and leave management can be such a tiring process. Imagine there are three employees from different departments that asking for paid leave at the same time. As an HR staff, they must conform to each of the department’s managers and check if they have enough balance of paid leave. Then, the HR staff should inform the employees and their managers. So much work right?

That is why attendance and leave management is a must-have feature on every HR software. With attendance and leave management feature, an employee can ask for paid leave on their own. Their manager and HR staff also will be notified and can easily accept or not the paid leave. For attendance management, people nowadays are more likely to use the latest technology for their workplace. That is why you should take advantage of technology for your workplace. The newest way of taking attendance involves scanning QR code and taking a photo of your employees when they check-in/out of work.

By using this method, attendance management will be more time saving, simpler, and efficient. Thus, make payroll will be easier to integrate with both attendance and leave management.

Customizable Report

For HR staff, a report is an important job for them. They have to make a report of every HR aspect and present it to the leader. HR software must offer a customizable report for them. Why? Because every HR department has its own value that reflected its industry.

HR software must have a complete view of every employee and operation. Features that come with builtin reporting tools will make it easier for HR staff to make a report based on their needs. This can make their organization make the changes necessary based on the data.

Payroll management

Payroll can be such a challenging process for HR staff. They need a lot of time and resources to make each employees’ payroll. A business should have automated payroll management as it is important compliance for business. Payroll management includes details of the employee’s salary, incentives, bonuses, deductions, and net pay. An employer must keep those records as it’s required by law.

If you still do payroll manually, you should change your way now. With an automated payroll system, you can save time and do payroll management without challenging yourself.

User-friendly interface

An ideal HR software should include a user-friendly interface with tools that will help HR staff to do custom forms, reports, and other HR processes. A friendly HR software mean it is not difficult for users to understand and use it.

HR software must be simple, clean, intuitive and reliable so that HR software can provide a good user experience. Who wants to use HR software that full of bugs and hard to understand, right?

Features HR software must have

What is HR software that has it all?

HRMLabs is a cloud-based HR and payroll software that provide a lot of features for our customers. We centralize all HR process to one system to help your works, such as HR management, attendance and leave management. Our software is flexible to use to meet your business needs. Because we understand that every industry has its own needs. The user-friendly system enables anyone to use our software and reduce the unnecessary time spent on HR management tasks. HRMLabs system stays updated with the latest changes and updates of Government Compliance, Taxes, and Employment Rules from the Ministry of Manpower.

Are you ready to have an HR software that has all the features you need for your business? Click here to book your FREE DEMO.

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