First of all, Christmas is just around the corner! As we have been waiting for Christmas Eve, we also wait for Christmas holiday when we can spend our time with family and friends. No wonder that is common for employee to take a week off from work at Christmas. Aside from the reason that it is Christmas, we also need time off from work to recharge ourselves. We need it to make sure that we are ready for another day at work and give our best effort.
Christmas at Work
A big holiday season filled with both joy and stress. It can be the bad time for some people, moreover for those who have too much work to handle. Imagine yourself sitting at your desk at Christmas, signing documents, giving approval, together with a cup of coffee, is it nice?
Well, maybe it is still okay for some of us, but totally not okay for some others. Most likely if you are an employer, manager, or HR person, you will deal with many leave requests on holiday season and sometimes it is too much for us to check on everybody’s leave balance and make sure that the duty has been taken care of, before we give our approvals. Many leave requests can be such a headache for employers. Moreover, without a proper record we will face another difficulty on tracking the employees’ paid leave balance. Instead of coming back happier and healthier, our stress level can increase and we become restless.

For those who wish to finish work faster and coming home for Christmas, enjoying the holiday, you should start to look for a way to get out of the possible holiday stress.
Managing Leave with HRMLabsWith the current technology of HR & Payroll, you can solve this holiday stress problem. In HRMLabs we provide a way for employers, HR person, or managers to manage leave easier than ever. You no longer have to sit down at your office dealing with emails of employee leave request, checking their balances one-by-one in a different sheet, then give approval to each of them by replying each leave request email.

Using HRMLabs Leave Management, employers and managers can give approval as easy as one click away. Our system will automatically present you whether employees request are still eligible based on their leave balance. So, you don’t have to check them by yourself. In addition, in case you have so many leave requests from your employees, HRMLabs system lets you do a multiple approval. Isn’t that awesome?
With HRMLabs system, now you can also enjoy your holiday without any worries of tracking employees leave and busy on giving approval.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t waste your time stressing over HR Management! contact us here now and book a free demo for you
Also, Merry Christmas everyone!