How Cloud-Based HR System Help Secure Your Data

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The average Human Resources (HR) team is sitting on a data gold mine, that means as extremely important in Human Resource such as recruitment data, career progression data, training data, absenteeism figures, productivity data, paymet data, and many more. With so many important data, storing it in file cabinet or local storage is not the best cosidering so many potential threats to your employee personal information. Disaster, losing data due to hard drive failure, viruses or mailware and other issues that may come to you. This the main reason why Digital Data Security is very important.

Data Security Must be a Top Priority of HR

For any organisation, there is one word that must be top of mind: Security. Especially when employees and proprietary business data begin to mix. For example, when companies hire workers, in the process to effectively carrying out duties and meeting up expectations, they will use company device instead of personal device. So company must record detailed information from recruitment to device that being assigned.

Based on The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), company should protect the data of their employee. This means company must reduce the possibility of human errors that lead to data breaches.

Research says that security breaches are mostly from employee. For example, leaving unlocked a door that should be shut can turn out to be a costly mistake because it concerns the security of personal data. Then leaving the computer unlocked with documents on display is another accidental that can cause data breaches.

Cloud-Based HR System provide comprehensive protection for your company data with sophisticated architectural design so make it resistant to hacking attempts by unauthorised access. Let’s examine the features more detail and discover why cloud-based hr system is important for your business:

Securely Transmitted Over the Internet

Cloud-Based HR System offer https data transfer instead of http with TLS/1.2 protocol which is the latest, strongest, unbroken method to securely transfer your data.

Ensuring Your Data is Protected From Unauthorized Access

Data can potentially become compromised when a faulty drive used to store information. But Cloud-Based HR System has built with AES256 bit encryption to ensure that all your data are encrypted and properly backed up. This is known as “secured data-at-rest”.

Using Data Filtering Products From Multiple Vendors

Data filtering products typically called firewalls only allow authentic traffic between zones. So it will protect your information against unauthorized applications and data transfers.

Protecting your Data from Attack

Sometime attacks can be scanned for unusual or malicious behavior, and sometime can come before a softawre has been patched by the vendor. But HR cloud simply uses a host of net-generation endpoint and network protection schemes to identify and protect your data from these types of attacks.

In HRMLABS, we take your data security as top of our priority. It has been proven with one of our clients with more than 4000 employees still trusting their data to us. If you have any questions regarding data security and how we handles potential threats, please contact us. Our team will happy to explain to you.

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