5 Tips to Simplify the Payroll Process for Your Business

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Ensuring proper payroll and deliver the payroll on time in each pay period is important for a company. However, processing payroll can be too complex and difficult to manage, it has many chance of human errors that have impact on late payment, heavy workload, and even employee satisfaction.

Finding ways to simplify the payroll process will help company to solve the payroll problem. This not only helps your HR staff to reduce the workload and time wasted but also helps your business grow faster. Instead of spending hours or even days on payroll processing, there is better a way for your HR staff to spend their time to work on building the human resource and work on more strategic business issues.

The followings are 5 tips to simplify your payroll process that will helps your HR staff save more time.

Get Correct Employee Information
It is important that all employee information is correct. When you run payroll manually, if there is any incorrect information, you have to take the time to get the correct information, and you will likely have to rerun payroll for any employees who had incorrect information.
Using an HR system with self-service will help a lot, because company can ask employees to update their own information if anything changes, especially for information related to payroll.

Digitise Data and Information
Digitising your data, means reducing and eliminating paper. It will save you time in sorting through notes, paper checks, and time sheets.
From a payroll perspective. You’ll also save time on generating reports, delivering key information (such as tax forms) to your workforce, and keep track of your task easily.

Centralized your Record
Keeping record is important. However, the processing of information through forms, scrolling through spreadsheets, or manually entering the same information into different system is inefficient.
Since saving time is about efficiency, you will need an HR system which helps you to keep records in one system. So, everything is in one place and easier to access.

Get your System in Sync
If you’re processing payroll and using separate systems to manage your data, you’re in for a time- consuming process.
You need an HR system which integrate payroll, attendance, and other HR features in one system software. It helps to cut down on time spent on generate report and make data management easier. You can also view your data in real-time – no more waiting information processing to see changes and updates.

Avoid Manual Calculation
Processing payroll by hand can take a lot of time. Manual calculations take a long time because payroll and deductions are different for each employee. Manual calculations have an increased chance of resulting in errors, meaning you lose time while making corrections.

Read Also: “Payroll Errors: How It Hurts Your People

Doing payroll electronically can reduce the time it takes you to run payroll. Online payroll software will do all calculations for you. You simply need to enter employee hours, and the software will do the rest. Payroll software also guarantees accuracy, meaning you don’t have to worry about errors.

If you’re concerned about inefficiency and time wasted of payroll processing in your business and you want to learn more about what you can do to simplify so then you can cut your time spend and minimize the human errors, talk to us to discuss your options. Whatever your payroll may need, we’ve got it covered!

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