How Cloud Computing Enhances Business

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What is Cloud Computing?

Based on IBM, cloud computing is on-demand access, via the internet, to computing resources—applications, servers (physical servers and virtual servers), data storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and more—hosted at a remote data center managed by a cloud services provider (or CSP).

To make it simpler, cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the internet. These include tools and applications. Cloud computing makes it easier for users to run a tool or an application without having to install it first. They can access the data and information through the internet.

How Cloud Computing Work

Cloud computing uses the internet as a server to manage data. This enables the user to access a tool or an application without having to install it on the computer. The system will save the data virtually so users don’t need to save the data on their computer. When a user gives a command to the tool or app, this command will be sent to the server. Upon received by the server, data will be processed and the user will get a page based on what they want.

Cloud Computing helps do the following:

  • Lower IT costs
    Cloud lets you offload some or most of the costs and effort of purchasing, installing, configuring, and managing your own on-premises infrastructure.
  • Data safety
    Cloud computing providers provide data guarantees so that the data is not easily corrupted or damaged. Providers usually always upgrade the technology platform and compliance with ISO. The data stored in the cloud is more secure than local storage.
  • Scale more easily and cost-effectively
    Cloud provides elasticity, instead of purchasing excess capacity that sits unused during slow periods, you can scale capacity up and down based on what your company needs. You can also take advantage of your cloud provider’s global network to spread your applications closer to users around the world.
Types of cloud computing:
  • Private Cloud
    Private cloud used only by one organization or a company privately. This cloud run by the internal staff of the organization or company.
  • Community Cloud
    Community cloud usually used by communities, institutions, or organizations with the same goals. Internal or external parties can manage this cloud.
  • Public Cloud
    Everyone can access and use a public cloud system. Users do not need to pay as this service usually free.
  • Hybrid Cloud
    Hybrid cloud is a combination of a private cloud and public cloud. This cloud usually used by B2B or B2C companies.

Cloud Computing For Business

Business who want to use cloud computing doesn’t need a big amount of cash to start. Business can rent a platform provided by a cloud system provider. So, there’s no need to buy computers or even set up the network itself. Therefore, will save up money and time. Also, business can adjust their needs to use this service so the cost is only for what they use. This is different when a business builds its own network. The business also doesn’t need to maintain the system by themselves because the provider will cover this also. Thus, business is no longer need to pay for maintenance and salary for IT system management staff.

Because cloud computing is flexible, it offers access to documents and data in an easier way. Business can access their data from anywhere at any time as long as there is an internet connection. This makes employees can work in a more effective and efficient way.

Many things can happen in business. They may experience system failures or disasters. However, if business use cloud computing they do not need to stop their business while repairing the system. Cloud technology allows users to store data centrally in one server. All business needs also integrated so error risk can be minimized.

HRMLabs system is cloud-based. This makes business can safely store their HR data and do HR works in an easier way. The person in charge also can access the data from anywhere at any time. They can manage employees’ attendance, leave, pay even training in one centralized platform. In addition, HRMLabs is awarded by Infocomm Media Development (IMDA) as a pre-approved digital solution vendor under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG): Singapore Local SMEs can get funding support from PSG.

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