Temperature screening has become a common practice at medical facilities, workplaces, and events across the island. Temperature screening is an important tool in detecting COVID-19 cases. As one of the symptoms of COVID-19 infections is high fever. That shows that fever is a symptom that is important in helping the authorities identify individuals who are unwell. Also assess if they could have COVID-19. At the same time, however, temperature screening should not be regarded as the only measure to identify people who are not well.
To help with the contact tracing, the Singapore government also launched Trace Together. TraceTogether is a digital system the Government of Singapore to facilitate contact tracing efforts. This system is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore. The main goal of this is quick identification of persons who may have come into close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
The system helps in identifying contacts such as strangers encountered in public. Together with SafeEntry, it allows the identification of specific locations where a spread between close contacts may occur. The TraceTogether app was released on 20 March 2020. Later on 7 June 2020, Smart Nation Initiative announced that the government would be distributing a physical device. A token named TraceTogether Token.

SafeEntry is a national check-in system that enables the logging of visitors at various locations in Singapore. This system allowing health authorities to track and isolate confirmed clusters. It is being use together with TraceTogether, the national contact tracing platform in Singapore.

GovTech develop this system. SafeEntry was first trialed at the Geylang Serai Market. After entries to four wet markets were restricted on 24 April 2020. Visitors had to scan the barcode on their National Registration Identity Card with it. After that, they need to check in on the web. The check-in system allows a visitor to be logged into a centralized database, managed by the Singapore authorities, the locations they have visited.
On 22 April 2021, MOH and Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG) come together to announce TraceTogether. TraceTogether is mandatory for checking in to various venues and events from 1 June onwards. This was subsequently move forward to 17 May 2021 in a later announcement on 4 May. In response to a recent spike in community cases. Other methods of checking in – scanning the SafeEntry QR codes with a different QR mobile app, or using the Singpass app – will be discontinued. While the use of identification cards is allowed only until 31 May 2021.

How TraceTogether and SafeEntry Work Together?
The implementation of TraceTogether-only SafeEntry (TT-only SE) already brought forward on 17 May 2021 from the previously announced 1 June 2021.
This means all venues that are requiring to enforce SafeEnty check-in will need to implement TraceTogether-only SafeEntry from 17 May 2021. These venues are those that experience higher throughput of visitors (e.g. malls, workplaces, places of worship, schools, and educational institutions) and where people are likely to be in close proximity for prolonged periods (e.g. dine-in food and beverage outlets and gyms).
This move is to achieve greater coverage and active participation in the TraceTogether Programme, especially for venues or settings where community spread is most likely to occur.
This will strengthen digital contact tracing and help government better manage the recent rise in community case. Some of which are currently unlink and resulting in the formation of community clusters. With more effective digital contact tracing, the speed of isolating close contacts will be raised.
With the nationwide implementation of TraceTogether-only SafeEntry on 17 May 2021, visitors need to check-in to SafeEntry check-in using a TraceTogether App or Token by:
- using one’s TraceTogether App to scan the venue’s QR code;
- displaying one’s TraceTogether Token so that a venue staff can scan the TraceTogether Token’s QR code;
- tapping one’s TraceTogether App or TraceTogether Token at a SafeEntry Gateway device.
Other modes of SafeEntry check-in such as launching your phone’s camera to scan a venue’s QR code and using the Singpass App will be discontinued from 17 May 2021. To help ease the transition, scanning of barcodes on personal IDs will be retained until 31 May 2021.
How Can It Help to Contact Tracing?
The TraceTogether Programme and SafeEntry are important digital tools that enable contact tracers to quickly identify and isolate close contacts of COVID-19 cases. This also helps to break transmission chains and prevent community outbreaks. While TraceTogether data identifies an initial list of close contacts, SafeEntry data provides the list of places visited by COVID-19 cases to help our contact tracers establish cluster links. The combined use of these digital tools has enabled us to reduce the average time taken to contact trace from 4 days to less than 1.5 days.
Temperature Screening With TraceTogether and SafeEntry
With temperature screening is compulsory before people coming into public places, how to integrate it with both TraceTogether and SafeEntry?
Luckily, a lot of developers are inventing a device that can measure temperature and at the same time integrated it with TraceTogether and SafeEntry.
In addition, this device can differentiate between employees and visitors so the management can measure both employees’ body temperature and visitors’ body temperature at the same time.
When visitors visit a place, this device will take the temperature and provide a QR code visitors need to scan when check-in/out.
For internal purposes, this device has features:
- 1-Second Facial Recognition even with the mask on/enforcement of mask-wearing
- Automated Contact-less Temperature Measurement
- Works 100% over the cloud, you don’t need to worry your data securely stored and backup
- Real-time notification to HR-Team
- Integrated Solution – Works with attendance management, HR systems, payroll, and leave system
The data, both from visitors and employees, will be stored in a centralized cloud platform. With this, the management can make a report if necessary. Also, for internal purposes, it can help the company to take employees’ attendance as well.
HRMLabs system can help you do all of these procedures. Our system can integrate temperature screening with both TraceTogether and SafeEntry. Also, for the internal purpose, it also can take attendance for the employees. With a cloud server, management can see the data in real-time from anywhere.
To get to know more about this system, book your FREE DEMO here.