Employee Record

  Features/ Employee Record

Easily record and track employee data

We manage and store your employee data in a cloud system which is easy to be accessed and updated by the company.

Unlimited Employee

Be it 30 or 300 or more, we cover any numbers of employee. HRMLABS is customized and developed for specific industry.

Easy to Manage

HRMLABS stores employee data such as personal details, employment records, and their digital documents in a one cloud system which is easy to track and to be updated either by employee or by company.

Paperless Record

With an electronic platform, you don’t need to store all employee data on papers. You can upload and store important documents, such as contract and certificates securely in a cloud system.



Allow employee to fill and update his/her own personal data, access leave balance, attendance, and payslip.


Give you control over who sees what information. Different employee may have different access for certain information and to edit different information.

Easy Access

With a centralized cloud system, you don’t need wires or installment to use the solution, enables you to access from anywhere, any  time, and with any device.

Employee History

Activate and re-activate employee data. The data of employee who resigned will be archived, then can be re-activated when the employee come back to  work on the same company.

Data Saving

Not only to save employee details, our system also enables company to store each employee documents which can be uploaded and saved on the cloud.

Let’s Find Out How It Works!

Contact us and capture the opportunity to scale your business