Succession Plan

Succession planning is a strategy for identifying and developing future leaders at your company — not just at the top but for major roles at all levels. It helps your business prepare for all contingencies by preparing high-potential workers for advancement. Succession planning can also provide a liquidity event enabling the transfer of ownership in a going concern to rising employees.
How Succession Planning Works
Succession planning evaluates each leader’s skills, identifying potential replacements both within and outside the company and, in the case of internal replacements, training those employees so that they’re prepared to take over. Succession planning is not a one-time event; succession plans should be reevaluated and potentially updated each year or as changes in the company dictate.
In addition, businesses might want to create both an emergency succession plan, in the event a key leader needs to be replaced unexpectedly, and a long-term succession plan, for anticipated changes in leadership.