Employee Type

Employee types refer to the different types of employees an organization might consider hiring to fulfill a role or task within the company. There are 11 different employee types employers might consider hiring depending on their needs.
Full-Time Employees
  • Work minimum hours established by employer
  • Full-Time employees can be either salaried or on hourly pay.
  • Full-Time employees receive benefits more often than other employee-types.
  • Federal and state laws require you to offer certain benefits to full-time employees.
Part-Time Employees
  • Part-time employees are employees who typically work less than 36 hours total each week.
  • Part-Time employees can sometimes choose their own hours, but not always.
  • Seasonal employees may still be considered part-time, even if they work 40 hours per week, because of the temporary nature of their position.
  • Part-time employees generally do not receive employee benefits and employers are not typically required to provide benefits for part-time employees, although companies are increasingly offering benefits to their part-time workers.
Independent Contractors
  • These employees are under contract to provide a specified good or service to individuals, companies, or corporations.
  • They are expected to work according to the needs of their employer.
  • No taxes are withheld from an independent contractor’s pay.
  • Independent contractors are also responsible for their own benefits and supplies. These are typically eligible as tax deductions.
Temporary Employees
  • Temporary employees are only hired to work for a determined length of time.
  • Employee benefits are not typically required for temporary employees.
  • They are often hired through agencies for a temporary position. However, some temporary employees may be hired on probation with the possibility of a permanent position after their temp position is over.
  • These employees consist of individuals or companies that have a contractual obligation to fulfill another individual’s or company’s work.
Tenured Employees
  • Usually refers to employees in an academic setting such as a tenured professor or teacher.
  • Tenured employees are contracted individuals that cannot be terminated without just cause.
  • Tenure was implemented to create a sense of job security for academics and ensure they could present controversial subject matter or findings or pursue controversial research without fear of termination.
Leased Employees
  • Employed by a PEO (professional employer organization).
  • Leased employees perform work for the companies who lease them.
  • They work for a period of time that could be fairly short or last over a year.
  • The PEO handles payroll, fees, and taxes for leased employees, but management is the responsibility of the company leasing the employees.
Job-Share Employees
  • In a job-share situation, a full-time position is split between two or more employees.
  • Employees in this situation are able to receive employee benefits prorated according to their job-share situation.
Apprenticed Employees
  • Apprenticed employees learn a trade or skill from a more experienced journeyman.
  • Journeymen teach apprentices the skills needed for their trade and how to get the necessary licenses to operate in their trade.
  • Once an apprenticed employee completes their apprenticeship and has obtained all required and necessary certifications for their profession, they are considered a journeyman or master.
  • Journeymen and Masters work in industries and fields that require license certifications and highly specialized training. 
  • While akin to apprentices, interns are usually focused on white-collar career paths instead of trades.
  • Interns work under higher-level management and may be full or part-time.
  • Internships may be paid or unpaid