Central Provident Fund (CPF)

The CPF is Singapore’s national pension scheme. Contributions are payable by Singapore citizens and permanent residents only. Employers and employees contribute 17% and 20%, respectively, of ordinary monthly wages, up to an income ceiling of SGD 6,000. Their respective maximum contributions are therefore SGD 1,020 and SGD 1,200. The rates are applicable to employees aged 55 years and below.
These rates also apply to additional wages (e.g. year-end bonus), up to a maximum contribution of:

  • The actual additional wages if the annual ordinary wages are not more than the ordinary wage ceiling of SGD 72,000 and the total wages are not more than the maximum contribution of SGD 102,000
  • The difference between the maximum contribution of SGD 102,000 and annual ordinary wages if the total wages exceed the maximum contribution of SGD 102,000 but the annual ordinary wages are not more than the ordinary wage ceiling of SGD 72,000, or
  • The lower of the difference between the maximum contribution and the ordinary wage ceiling (SGD 102,000 – SGD 72,000) or the actual additional wages if annual ordinary wages exceed the ordinary wage ceiling of SGD 72,000.

Reduced rates apply for employees who are earning less than SGD 750 per month as well as for those above 55 years of age, although these rates are being gradually increased. You can calculate CPF here.

Foreign nationals and their employers are precluded from making CPF contributions. Foreign employees who become Singapore permanent residents, and their employers, may contribute at reduced rates for the first two years.