How DEI Can Help Your Business Thrive in Singapore

How DEI Can Help Your Business Thrive in Singapore

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become increasingly important in the Singapore workforce in recent years. A diverse workforce can bring a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to improved decision-making and problem-solving within a company. Additionally, a diverse workforce can help to create a culture of inclusivity and can lead to increased creativity and innovation.

There are a number of ways that companies in Singapore can work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workforce. This can include actively recruiting a diverse group of candidates, implementing diversity training for employees, and creating policies and practices that promote inclusivity.

The Future of Work in Singapore

One specific initiative in Singapore that has aimed to promote diversity in the workforce is the “Diversity Action Committee” (DAC), which was launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Manpower. The DAC aims to promote diversity in the Singapore workforce by working with companies to develop and implement DEI-related policies and practices.

In addition to the DAC, there are also a number of other organizations and initiatives in Singapore that are focused on promoting DEI in the workforce. Include the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE), which works to promote gender equality. There also the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO), which aims to empower women and promote gender equality.

How to promote DEI in workplace

There are a number of ways that companies in Singapore can work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their workforce:

Actively recruit a diverse group of candidates

One approach to increasing diversity in the hiring process is to implement targeted recruitment efforts. This can involve partnering with organizations that focus on promoting diversity in the workforce. While utilizing job posting sites specifically designed for underrepresented groups can also be a effective recruitment strategy.

Implement diversity training for employees

This can help to educate employees about the importance of DEI and can provide them with the tools and resources they need to create a more inclusive work environment.

Policies and practices that promote inclusivity:

This can include things like providing flexible work arrangements such as remote work or flexible scheduling. Additionally, offering resources like lactation rooms or prayer rooms can help accommodate the diverse needs of all employees. This can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Offer employee resource groups (ERGs)

ERGs are employee-led groups that are focused on specific diversity-related topics. Concern on sensitive subjects such as race, gender, or sexual orientation. These groups can provide support and resources for employees and can also serve as a forum for discussing DEI-related issues.

Engage with diversity-focused organizations and initiatives

Companies in Singapore can partner with organizations like the DAC or the AWARE to learn more about DEI best practices. Involve in initiatives that promote diversity in the workforce also can be a great way.

Companies in Singapore can partner with organizations like the Diversity Action Committee (DAC) or the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) to learn more about DEI best practices and to get involved in initiatives that promote diversity in the workforce.

By taking these steps, companies in Singapore can create a more inclusive and welcoming work environment, which can ultimately lead to improved performance and success.


Overall, it is clear that DEI is an important and growing trend in the Singapore workforce. Companies in Singapore can benefit from promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. This can lead to the creation of a more inclusive and welcoming work environment for employees. In turn, this can ultimately result in improved performance and success for the company.

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