Affordable Automation Tools for Your Small Business | HR Software Singapore

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Thanks to the development of technology, more and more companies decide to automate their business. The range of possibilities in this area is dynamically expanding, and the market is employing more and more modern and comprehensive solutions.

What is Business Automation? 

It is the use of technology to replace manual execution of repetitive tasks and activities wherever possible and desirable, in order to minimize costs, increase efficiency and streamline processes. In other words – to expand your client base, automation helps you by improving internal processes. You can also reduce the human error to do administrative tasks.

Yes, you need business automation! But, how much it will costs? Is it necessary for small business?

Affordable Automation for Your Small Business

Automation in business has become the latest buzz. For years, large businesses have been using technology for marketing efforts in a variety of ways, but it  has recently become more affordable for smaller businesses to adopt automation. If you own a small business, here are 3 best ways you can further automate your small business operations.

Automated CRM and Sales and Marketing

An automatic Customer Relations Manager (CRM)  will improve your sales and marketing process. It stays connected with prospects and customers, accounting for every connection. It will even let you know when a prospect has reached the buying point. This is key for small business owners. It is hard to keep track of where leads are in the sales funnel. An automated CRM and marketing tool keeps track of this for you, and sends the right material to potential customers. As long as business owners provide the content, CRM and marketing automation will take care of the rest.


There are plenty of online services and software available that can help you automate your recruiting process, even HR Management. Once you create a particular employment ad, your listing can be immediately posted on multiple platforms. Systems are available that allow you to sort and store online applications, keeping a database for future openings. Automating your recruiting can result in a wider reach, better applicants and is less expensive. With Advanced HRM Software, you can also manage your employees database, manage training, and other administrative HR Tasks!

Payroll System

Electronic payroll software is a popular way to incorporate automation into your workplace processes, and timely payment of salary and bonuses, along with the calculation of leaves, accruals, and travel expenses, play a key role in the smooth functioning of your company. 

But if you tend to ignore the benefits of payroll automation, you will not only fail to keep up with the latest technology trends but also end up depriving yourself of added productivity. Less mistakes, automate your payroll with a few clicks. Learn more.

In conclusion, business automation is transforming the way brands operate, allowing them to do more with less and scale in ways never before possible. In theory, this means business size doesn’t matter so much and automation can actually give the advantage to smaller brands that are often able to react to new trends faster than their larger rivals.

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