75 Percent of Creative Collaboration Happens Remotely

75 Percent of Creative Collaboration Happens Remotely

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Creative collaboration is the process of working together to generate new ideas, solve problems, or produce something innovative. It is essential for any business that wants to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing customer needs. However, creative collaboration can be challenging when your team members are working remotely, as they may face communication barriers, time zone differences, or lack of motivation.

According to a recent survey by Spiceworks, 75% of creative collaboration happens remotely, and 43% of respondents said they collaborate with people outside their organization. This shows that remote work is not only a trend, but a necessity for many businesses. 

Challenges of Remote Creative Collaboration

However, the survey also revealed some of the common challenges that remote workers face when collaborating creatively, such as:

  • Difficulty in sharing files and feedback (37%)
  • Lack of visibility into project status and progress (35%)
  • Difficulty in scheduling meetings and coordinating tasks (33%)
  • Lack of trust and accountability among team members (25%)
  • Difficulty in building rapport and maintaining relationships (24%)

These challenges can hinder the quality and efficiency of your creative collaboration, and ultimately affect your business outcomes. That’s why you need a solution that can help you overcome these obstacles and enhance your remote creative collaboration.

How HRMLabs Can Help

HRMLabs is a cloud-based human resource management system that offers a comprehensive suite of features to help you manage your remote workforce. One of the features that can boost your creative collaboration is the attendance and scheduling feature. This feature allows you to:

  • Track and monitor the attendance and productivity of your remote workers.
  • Create and manage flexible schedules for your remote workers based on their availability, preferences, and skills.
  • Automate the calculation of overtime, leave, and payroll based on the attendance and schedule data.
  • Generate reports and insights on the performance and engagement of your remote workers.
  • Communicate and collaborate with your remote workers using chat, video call, or email.

Benefits of Using HRMLabs for Remote Creative Collaboration

By using the attendance and scheduling feature from HRMLabs, you can:

  • Ensure that your remote workers are working on their assigned tasks and meeting their deadlines.
  • Reduce the hassle of coordinating meetings and tasks across different time zones and locations.
  • Increase the transparency and accountability of your remote workers.
  • Improve the trust and relationship among your remote workers.
  • Motivate and reward your remote workers based on their achievements.

How to Use HRMLabs Attendance and Scheduling Feature to Improve Creative Collaboration

Here are some tips on how to use HRMLabs attendance and scheduling feature to improve creative collaboration:

  1. Use the attendance and productivity data to identify team members who are struggling: This information can help you identify team members who need additional support or training.
  2. Use the scheduling feature to create flexible schedules that accommodate the different needs and preferences of your team members: This can help you improve employee satisfaction and productivity.
  3. Use the reporting feature to identify areas where you can improve your remote collaboration efforts: This information can help you make changes to your processes and procedures to improve communication and collaboration.
  4. Use the communication and collaboration tools to stay connected with your team members and ensure that everyone is on the same page: This can help you build trust and rapport, which are essential for effective creative collaboration.


Attendance and scheduling feature from HRMLabs  is a powerful tool that can help you improve creative collaboration in your remote team. By using this feature, you can track and monitor the attendance and productivity of your team members, create flexible schedules, automate the calculation of overtime, leave, and payroll, generate reports and insights on the performance and engagement of your team members, and communicate and collaborate with your team members using chat, video call, or email.

If you are looking for a way to improve creative collaboration in your remote team, then HRMLabs is a great option. Contact HRMLabs today to learn more about how the attendance and scheduling feature can help you achieve your business goals.

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