With HR Technology allows HR teams to do many things, not the least of which is using data to take advantage of better people skills. The ability to innovate, maximize people skills, reduce costs and expenses, and create and foster a culture of engaged employees are all benefits of the adoption technology into HR operations. In the end, it will change HR focus from administrative to strategic that give more value for your company’s growth.
What is HR Tech?
HR technology is software that aids HR departments in various tasks, such as HR data storage, analysis, and maintenance; staff recruitment and retention; payroll and salary; and administrative support. Through hr technology, it will smooth the flow of information across HR, payroll, and benefits administration. This sharing of data can enable your business to better innovate and your employees to better perform.
Adopting HR Tech
When your company decide to deploying a new HR technology it will bring a challenges from migrating data and ensuring the software is adopted quickly and enthusiastically by employees. Not all employees will feel the same way about the change in technology. Some of them feel relief that their frustrations with the old system will be eased. But some will feel un-certain and have concerns about how it will impact their jobs.
Understand these mindsets, the decision-making process and implementation phase is the key to ensuring as many employees as possible are happily on-board with the new system. Below, we list 5 tips to help your employees adopt new HR technology.
#1 Plan and prepare
Your efforts should begin with planning. Fromm the beginning, employees need to know that the new technology has a purpose and has been selected with their needs in mind. Testing the product before deployment is important to ensuring works properly and there are no complaints from your employees.
#2 Communicate the change
HR must work towards helping employees believe that the new technology is good for them. Communication is part of any change management exercise. Share the what, why, and how of the change. Continuously share information and insight to encourage employees to try out the new system.
#3 Train and make it simple
There will always be the need for training on a new solution suite; however, it’s important to try and keep it as easy-to-understand as possible. Further, the training must be relatable, lucid, and broken down into clear action points – that gradually lead to deeper learning and skill/expertise development.
#4 Offer Support
Whatever approach you take to training, your work isn’t done once sessions have been completed. Employees must always be able to seek help if they run into trouble. Access to user support that is always available is also important. If by telephone isn’t feasible, then you can package information in different formats, such as FAQs, webinars, video tutorials or lunch-and-learn meetings.
#5 Celebrate the change
Maintaining a positive vibe throughout the selection, implementation and day-to-day use phases of a new software can be difficult. Perhaps, what will help build employee confidence is to celebrate the wins, no matter how small they are. Showcase live examples of how the HR technology transformation has changed lives for the better.
There you have it; with these ideas in implementation, you can ensure a speedy transition and adoption for your powerful new HR tech.