Temperature Screening
Integrated with Attendance

  Features/Temperature Screening

Integrate Temperature Screening with Attendance

HRMLabs new feature temperature screening can do both temperature screening and attendance taking. This enables you to generate pay slips as well with the attendance record through flexible salary structure.

Contact-Free Temperature Screening

HRMLabs new feature temperature screening is a contact-free system that will make temperature screening much safer.

Linked With Attendance Taking

Not only measure temperature, you can integrate it with attendance taking. Make attendance taking more efficient and easier.

Easy Payroll Calculating

Calculate payroll with attendance record in one platform. No more headache. With automated payroll software, we make sure that you will pay your employees on time.

Time and Cost Saving

With a centralized cloud system, we reduce the time spent on measuring temperature of every employee and processing payroll. Automate process flow from temperature screening and attendance taking to generating payslip.


Temperature Screening

Equipped with body temperature module, measure temperature within 0,7 seconds.

Face Recognition

With binocular live body verification and detection, you can register employees’ face to the device. It will detect whether the person is a staff or visitor.

Record Employee Check In/Out

Align face in the person area in front of the temperature screening device. The device will record employees check in/out automatically. The data will appear in HRMLabs attendance calendar.

Visitor Record

Record company’s visitor when they come. Their data will be stored safely in HRMLabs database in case you need to make a report about visitor.


Generate report from one platform. Whether it is visitor temperature screening data or employee temperature screening data. Export the report to PDF file or excel.

Let’s Find Out How It Works!

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