Attendance Module

Untitled design (35)

Clock In/Out System

Shift Management

Overtime Management

Attendance Report

Attendance Compliance

Real-time Notifications

Leave Module

Leave Type/Categorization

Online Leave Application

Leave Approval Workflow

Leave Balance Tracking

Leave Policies

Leave Reports

Payroll Module

Payroll Processing

Tax Management

Deduction, Benefits & Claims

Payslip Distribution

Payroll Reports

Payroll Compliance

Employee Record

Personal & Job Information

Benefits and Entitlements

Leave & Attendance Record

Bulk Import & Edit Employee Data

Documents and Attachments







Attendance Module

Untitled design (35)

Clock In/Out System

Shift Management

Overtime Management

Attendance Report

Attendance Compliance

Real-time Notifications

Leave Module

Leave Type/Categorization

Online Leave Application

Leave Approval Workflow

Leave Balance Tracking

Leave Policies

Leave Reports

Payroll Module

Payroll Processing

Tax Management

Deduction, Benefits & Claims

Payslip Distribution

Payroll Reports

Payroll Compliance

Employee Record

Personal & Job Information

Benefits and Entitlements

Leave & Attendance Record

Bulk Import & Edit Employee Data

Documents and Attachments















Performance Appraisal



Recruitment / ATS



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